Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management, Vol. 25, No. 3-4 (2022)

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author = {Izabela Garbala, Wacław Gierulski},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
title = {Ocena systemu zaopatrzenia w przedsiębiorstwie– studium przypadku},
year = {2022},
issn = {1643-4773},
number = {3-4},
pages = {2--9},
volume = {25},
abstract = {The presented article concerns activities aimed at improving the supply system in an industrial company in the joinery sector. The current system has been assessed and improvement measures have been proposed. The research tool used is the extended SWOT analysis with the use of quantitative methods.},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.25.02.01},
keywords = {Supply system, SWOT analysis, surveys, strategy map},

author = {Sebastian Henningsen, Abdalla Rashwan, Evrim Demircan, Duc Tran, Uwe Meinberg},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
title = {TITUS-Research: Blockchain Strategy for Autonomous Systems},
year = {2022},
issn = {1643-4773},
number = {3-4},
pages = {10--14},
volume = {25},
abstract = {Distributed ledger technology has been getting an increased attention in a wide range of applications where a centralized solution is not favorable. One of the most popular DLTs is the well-known Blockchain technology which is currently being adopted in various domains where several independent agents write to the same shared data collection and it has shown a significant potential when it comes to increasing transparency and providing better security. With autonomous systems gaining more momentum and becoming an inseparable part of our day to day lives from autonomous vehicles to wearable devices therefor this article presents the strategy at TITUS-Research for harnessing the DLT potential in the context of autonomous systems by laying the base knowledge behind DLT and highlighting different use cases where it can improve autonomous systems.},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.25.02.02},
keywords = {Distributed ledger technology, blockchain, autonomous systems.},

author = {Andrzej Jardzioch, Weronika Witkowska},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
title = {Zastosowanie logiki rozmytej do szeregowania zleceń produkcyjnych},
year = {2022},
issn = {1643-4773},
number = {3-4},
pages = {15--20},
volume = {25},
abstract = {The article presents an algorithm that allows using fuzzy logic to determine the effective arrangement of production orders in the production system. The main criterion used to rate was the total cost related to delayed implementation of production orders. In addition, the sum of delays of all orders and the total time of order execution were assessed. The elaborated algorithm uses fuzzy inference and allows us to estimate dynamically the effectiveness of selecting the next order from orders awaiting execution. As a result, the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is linear. The research was conducted to assess the usefulness of the proposed algorithm. To illustrate the possibilities of the proposed algorithm, the obtained rankings were compared with those obtained using typical heuristic rules (FIFO, EDD, Johnson’s algorithm, and min changeover time). The obtained results confirmed the benefits of the proposed algorithm for scheduling production orders. The developed algorithm was implemented in Matlab and research was carried out for different series of production orders.},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.25.02.03},
keywords = {Production process, scheduling of production, minimal costs of delays},

author = {Sławomir Kukla},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
title = {Wizualizacja, symulacja i wielokryterialna ocena wariantów w projektowaniu systemów produkcyjnych},
year = {2022},
issn = {1643-4773},
number = {3-4},
pages = {21--26},
volume = {25},
abstract = {The paper presents issues of production processes design and improvement. In order to visualize the production system functioning and estimate its efficiency, a simulation model has been created, on which a simulation experiment was carried out. Due to many factors influencing the effectiveness of processes, it was suggested to use multi-criteria evaluation tools to choose the rational solution. Three criteria have been assumed, according to which particular improvement variants were evaluated. Also, criteria weights have been set according to the Saaty’s method, and particular solution variants have been assessed separately with respect to each criterion. On the basis of the presented course of action, the best solution has been selected from among the analysed options.},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.25.02.04},
keywords = {Modelling and simulation of production systems, multi-criteria variants analysis, visualization of production systems},

author = {Marian Matys, Tomas Michulek, Mariana Machova, Luboslav Dulina, Gabriela Gabajova},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
title = {Using The Ella Platform to Create Virtual Training},
year = {2022},
issn = {1643-4773},
number = {3-4},
pages = {27--34},
volume = {25},
abstract = {The article describes the Ella platform used as a tool for creating virtual training. The introductory part of the article presents the starting points for effective training as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. Furthermore, the article provides examples of virtual training that has already been carried out, and Ella platform has been used in their preparation. The main part of the article is devoted to presenting the Ella platform as a modern and innovative tool for creating virtual training. This article also presents the result of applied research and development.},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.25.02.05},
keywords = {Industrial engineering, virtual training, augmented reality, Ella platform},

author = {Aleksander Moczała, Katarzyna Radwan},
journal = {Zarządzanie Przedsiębiorstwem. Enterprise Management},
title = {Testowanie hipotez w projektowaniu koncepcji wyrobu},
year = {2022},
issn = {1643-4773},
number = {3-4},
pages = {35--39},
volume = {25},
abstract = {The article is an elaboration of the product concept management based on hypothesis testing. The aim of the article is to continue the topic of creating a product concept, which will turn out to be an innovation that meets the customer’s business expectations. Testing hypotheses by conducting experiments allows you to make better decisions, learn faster than from mistakes. The approach reduces the need to test prototypes to rely on results and costly facts.},
doi = {10.25961/ent.manag.25.02.06},
keywords = {Innovation, key business assumptions, testing business ideas},

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